Urine Drug Screens
We have a provider that is requesting urine drug screening in the offices. We currently use the Alere Triage® Drugs of Abuse Panel Plus TCA in our main laboratory, but are looking for a waived option in the offices. I am looking for feedback on waived testing that your offices are currently using. If you would be willing to provide information, please either email me directly or respond here.
Thank you!
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My health system is also looking for a POCT drug screen. Does anyone have experience with the One Step Multi-Drug Test Cup?
Our outpatient and inpatient behavioral programs use the u-Cups from UCP Bioscience. They are CLIA waived and can be customized according to your hospital/clinic needs. Patients can collect the urine sample right in the cup and results can be read in 5 minutes. They are accurate, however, once in a while our psychotherapists had reported some false positives mostly within the benzodiazepines drugs.
Although a waived test, do you perform any verification studies and/or proficiencies? Thanks
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We are doing a study, comparing 3 UDS cups to our toxicology and will pick the best product out of those three. Our team did a alot of research to gather information from several vendors as to the cutoff available from the vendor and if they make standard cups or customized cups. Some cups are manufactured outside of USA and shipments may take longer, if that is an item you'd want to look into. Quality control product is also something to consider as you look into the cups, what QC can test near the cutoff values.
Yes, we validate the cups before implementation using our chemistry analyzer as a reference method for the most common drugs of abuse, otherwise we also use spiked samples from our special chemistry lab for the non common drugs. After implementation we quality control the cups on every new lot/new shipment and every 30 days. We do not use a proficiency testing survey, however, we perform biannual patient correlations with our chemistry analyzer.
Thanks Pedro! Does your cup have methamphetamine? Tox labs do not have an onboard immunoassay method and is measured from gas-spec(we assume because of the similar structure asamphetamine)
How were able to spike samples?
Thanks again!
Yes, our cups are customized to test methamphetamines, Buprenorphine and the other common drugs of abuse, with a total 13 drugs.
In regard to the spiking of the samples, I am not sure how this is done in special chemistry, but I think they use specific instrument drug calibrators to accomplish this.
Hi to all who already perform tox/drug screens at the point of care. Does anyone know if the medical practices (presumably Pain clinic but doesn't have to be) you are working with use the POC result to 'fire' patients?
Thanks in advance,
Seems that they would need confirmation to do that
The organization that I work for uses POC urine drug screens for multiple office settings, a Pain clinic being one of those settings. All of the POC vendors that we use state in their package inserts, that a positive POC result is ONLY presumptive positive and must be confirmed with the lab. I would suggest to follow your manufacturer's guidelines as to what they consider a CONFIRMED positive and negative and use that result to determine the dismissal of a patient.
Hope this helps!
Hi Pedro, I performed a study where I correlated the cup's results and the gas mass spec results. There are quite a few false positives on the cup. Although the insert does say that positive cup is always presumptive anyway.
In summary, does it matter if the cup positives HAVE to correlate with gas mas spec being that there are so many interfering substances involved?
Thanks again
We are currently using Alere (Abbott) iCup DX 14 and have no problems.
Does anyone know of a cup on the medical market yet that tests Fen, K2, ETG and TRA?
Our OR is requesting urine drug screening for pre-op patients and they are only interested in cocaine. Is anyone else doing this on day of surgery? My other concern is most all of the urine tests state that a positive must be confirmed. They are currently sending samples to the lab but say the TAT is too long and causes the patient to have to come in too early for a procedure.
So--do you let them cancel a surgery on a presumptive positive?
Hi Robert,
Our correlation studies between the cups and the Vista and the Mass Spec are pretty good. We correlate the common drugs such as THC, COC, AMPH, OPI, BENZO, BAR, with the Siemens Vista and the others such as MET, OXY, MDMA, BUP, with the Mass Spec. analyzer. We do get some false positive results most of the time within the BENZOs, which I believe is expected due to the different calibrators used by the two methods and also some cross reactivity with other BENZO based drugs.
I think you have to establish an acceptable percentage of error based on the cutoff ranges for the two methods (The screening cups and the reference method), I usually used 10-15%.
Hi Kim,
We do not provide urine screening cups testing on preop-op patients and I hope we never do, but if we eventually have to do it, then we will need to establish a protocol that will required the patient to come to the lab to get this test done three or more days before the surgery, same way we do it for blood typing to rule out antibodies.