Does anyone out there have the certified Lab staff go to the floors to perform ACT testing?
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We just found out that the nitrazine pH paper is not FDA approved and we need to find a new method. If you use this, what kit do you use and what are the pros and cons? Thanks in advance.
Any members oversee PPM testing that includes insect identification? Our clinics perform KOH Mount to identify fungal element and would like to include insect identification e.g. scabies. Anyone have a procedure for insect identification, competency documents that you could share? Thank you....
Our ambulatory offices are going to begin using the Clinitek Microalbumin 2 dipsticks on the Clinitek Status +. When building the result fields, do you report all 3 results Albumin/ Creatinine/ A:C ratio or just the A:C ratio?
Does anyone know of a waived Albumin/Creatinine Ratio test? I have a site that is wanting to add this to their test menu.
Is anybody using AVOX and reporting in Mac Lab? I have a reporting concern when testing multiple samples during right heart cases and I would like to see how other people are managing right heart cases.
For those of you running the ROM plus do you put anything for the reference range.
We have just in the last month accrued 30 cartridge errors; some upon initial loading and others half-way through the cartridge use. We get credit for these, however, it disrupts our operations. Anyone else having issues? Even our service rep has concurred there has been an uptick in these c...
Does anyone have a spreadsheet for normal range validation that they wouldn't mind sharing. I have an older one but was curious if anyone had anything newer. I am looking to validate the package insert ranges for iSTAT testing. Thank you for your time and for sharing if you have something!!!...
Displaying items 1-10 of 19 in total