Running QC on the Clinitek Status Plus


Hello fellow POC folks!

How many of you have your hospitals or clinics run the urine QC daily? How about according to manufactures' recommendations: every 30 days, each new lot number, new shipment? At my clinic, we run them daily. It has always been set as this, but if I can make the POC operators: MA's, RN's, PA's lives easier, then why not.

Let's hear from other places. I'm curious!!!!


Julie Brim

The Vancouver Clinic, Vancouver, Wa.

24 Replies

We run our urine QC for visual urine dips weekly, so that we can hopefully catch all the vials of strips they have open. We have been doing daily QC on the Clinitek, but are looking to move to monthly per manufacturer's instructions. Not only does it make their lives easier, it saves some money--not much, but every little bit helps.

We do lot, shipment, 30 days. 

I have my clinics so every 30 days and with every new bottle of strips they open. I have QC lockout on the instrument too.



We made the switch to weekly urine QC.  The end users are happy that it’s not every day.  Paper log sheets are much easier to evaluate.  We have more information than we would get with monthly controls.

Wow! Great responses!!! I'd like to make our end users lives easier. Can anyone tell me how they justified running it every 30 days, etc? Yes, I know because it is a waived test, but did anyone do any studies, statistics? How did you convince your Medical Director that we should be doing this???

Thanks again!

Julie Brim

The Vancouver Clinic, Vancouver, Wa


We do weekly, which exceeds manufacturers requirement but it serves to do a better job at catching new strip bottle openings in case they forget, plus it keeps them proficient on how to run QC. If they were only doing it monthly I feel like it'd be like starting all over again each month with their learning curve. Plus I use it for part of their annual competency so doing it weekly allows for much more completed participation by the time annual competency comes around.

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I'm with Mr. Beck for all reasons he states. Going back 20ish years so I kinda forget it's not per MIFU to do weekly. We also wanted the extra QC due to deterioration of strips (got humidity? yup we do) when folks do not put lids back on.  

We still run them daily with a 24 hour lock if not done. I just found it would get overlooked otherwise. But we use so much more...

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We follow the manufacturer's directions: new bottle, new lot, new operator and every 30 days a bottle is open. It works well for our Nephrology practices and is getting better in our newer Urology group.

I direct them to rotate the QC for competency assessment.  I pick a month and tell staff that everyone needs to have both levels of QC performed.

So far so good.

We do every 24 hours and with each new bottle.

I just updated our policy for QC for our Clinitek Status users and our manual dip users.

We QC each new bottle opened (this captures new lots and shipments),every 30 days for any vials open >30 days, and for training and competency.

We based this QC off of product insert and frequency of use. Our ER and Kidney Clinic go through the most amount of strips, followed by our Employee Wellness clinic and our outreach sites.

I am continuing to monitor our low usage sites to see if it is even worth them having the testing. One clinic did more QC last year than actual patient testing!


We also continue to require daily QC, which exceeds the manufacturer's requirement, however, this process is effective in catching new strip bottle openings and QC expiration dates, also capturing new lots, new shipments and the 30 days QC on existing lot numbers. Additionally, it helps to maintain proficiency within nursing staff. We have implemented this process for more than two years and it is working fine.

We continue to require daily QC because the strips are very sensitive to light and moisture  to degrade them and believe it or not , we have found bottles in clinics without the tops on them!!  :)))


I'm with Pedro-we run controls here daily for the dipsticks. Trying to keep people compliant on running controls on new bottles/lots etc. is extremely difficult.

We are in the 30 day camp for the most part - we just set it to lock out on the Cliniteks for every 30 days. Seems to work out just fine.

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