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2021 AACC Critical and Point of Care Testing Awards Winners!
2021 AACC Critical and Point of Care Testing Awards Winners!
The Co-Chairs of your CPOCT Division Awards Committee are excited to have the opportunity today to announce the 2021 recipients of all awards that were open for nomination.
We hope you take a moment to learn more about each deserving 2021 Award recipient (link to AACC page included).
The 2021 Point of Care Coordinator of the Year recipient is Ms Adonica Wilson. Point-of-Care Coordinator of the Year 2021 | Aacc Point-of-Care Coordinator of the Year 2021 The CPOCT Division Awards Committee congratulates Adonica Wilson, MT (ASCP) on her selection as 2021 Point-of-Care Coordinator of the Year. Adonica Wilson, MT (ASCP) A. I. duPont Hospital for Children Wilmington, Delaware Adonica has been in the clinical laboratory field for over 25 years. She coordinates the point-of-care testing program at the A. | View this on Aacc > The 2021 Outstanding Contributions Award goes to Dr. Ellis Jacobs. 2021 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Point-of-Care Testing | | 2021 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Point-of-Care Testing Ellis Jacobs, PhD EJ Clinical Consulting Teaneck Township, NJ Dr. Jacobs is a distinguished national and international speaker and expert on the subjects of point-of-care testing management, finances, and emerging technologies. He has occupied key leadership roles in AACC's Critical and Point-of-Care Testing Division as well as in other professional organizations including CLSI and IFCC.
| View this on Aacc >Best Abstract 2021 ASM for "Reliable Blood Grouping With a Smartphone-Powered Quick Response Microfluidic Card" is Primary Author Dr. Yang Luo.
The 2021 Penny Jones Travel Award goes to Ms Mickayla Karikari.
Thank you, Adonica, for being the helpful, knowledgeable, and amazing person you are. Your willingness to help your fellow POCCs is very much appreciated. Congratulations--look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!
Adonica, You deserve this honor to be the POCC of the year. Congratulations! Wish I could congratulate you in-person. Thank you for all your help and advise. More power to you and enjoy the meeting and the accolades you will receive there. Hip, hip Hooray!!!
Congratulations! Wish I could congratulate you in-person.
Thank you for all your help and advise. More power to you and enjoy the meeting and the accolades you will receive there. Hip, hip Hooray!!!