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Said: : "I know this is an old discussion but I would like to see if anyone has updated information. We are starting to see inpatients that want to be treated on the values from their continual monitoring systems. How do your hospitals respond to...
Said: : "Same problem here with our Hemochron Signature Elite normal QC. We had experienced users getting too low of results on a specific lot number. I contacted support and received a new box of QC and a new box of cartridges. This was at the en...
Said: : "Same problem here , experienced operators but level 1 qc would stop short around 70. Passes on 2nd try . My theory is it needs perfect technique for this batch Sent via Groupsite Mobile."
Said: : "We have had a couple of different lot numbers over the last 6 months that our staff had trouble getting to pass. They were both normal QC lots. The difference I noticed with the most recent lot number was the fact that I barely had any ...
Said: : "Beckman Coulter has a Class 1 Recall on the the DxH800, 900, and 600 related to platelets. Coworker received the MedWatch last week. FDA has not shut them down, they have remediation they need to do. These are hospital instruments, not...


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