Hemochron Signature Plus ACT-LR QC
Does anyone use the Hemochron Signature Plus for ACT-LR testing? We have been struggling with the low QC passing, and I wanted to see if other sites were having the same issue. I have reached out to the tech support, and they sent me a new box of QC to use.
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Hello Cindy,
I currently haven't had any issues with my ACT-LR QC passing. What is your QC lot#?
Technique in how your mixing the normal LQC perhaps. However, we’ve had issues when receiving the LQC and the box getting dropped which breaks the blood cake up.
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We have actually had issues on different lots. Staff that are failing the QC are staff that have been performing testing for several years, so I am not questioning their technique as they have all received education on the technique and I have observed them performing the testing.
Do you both use the Signature Plus or are you using the Elite?
We have had a couple of different lot numbers over the last 6 months that our staff had trouble getting to pass. They were both normal QC lots. The difference I noticed with the most recent lot number was the fact that I barely had any fluid left after I wasted a drop in the cap prior to filling the cuvette. The first lot we had trouble with seemed to have extra hard plastic vials so the vial was incredibly hard to squeeze. I actually called tech support on the last batch we had trouble with and they sent us a new lot number that worked fine. We use the Signature Elite.
Same problem here , experienced operators but level 1 qc would stop short around 70. Passes on 2nd try . My theory is it needs perfect technique for this batch
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Same problem here with our Hemochron Signature Elite normal QC. We had experienced users getting too low of results on a specific lot number. I contacted support and received a new box of QC and a new box of cartridges. This was at the end of last month. Our replacement QC, not the same lot number, is working just fine.
Same here, sporadic problems with different lot#s. In fact, when we did a method switch from ACT+ to LR and was doing a lot of QC runs, even I was having problems with either failed results or higher than expected CV% on multiple runs. Even a few seconds too long on the vial mixing made a difference. Lately it's been better, but I think overall, the LR Normal QC is much more problematic than the LR Abnormal or either level of the ACT+ QC.