Training the trainer during COVID-19


Friends, Our hospital system has over 5,000 POCT users. POCT laboratory staff train approximately 350 "superusers" annually. Those superusers then handle training and competency assessment for the rest of the testing personnel. We were nearing the end of our 2020 superuser classes when COVID-19 hit. A typical session involved 10-15 nurses in a small room with 2-3 laboratorians. That definitely would not meet the current "social distancing" standards. We recognize that we'll need to come up with creative solutions before we begin training for 2021. This probably affects all of us. I'd love to hear your ideas! Terry Hawkins Point-of-Care Testing Laboratory ChristianaCare Newark, DE

5 Replies

Hi Terry, this is a great topic. I don't have much advice for training as most of ours is done 1 on 1 by a clinical educator as we're not as big as you. You could definitely create videos of what you would teach in the superuser class - your vendors may already have some sort of video already. Or you could create your own with help from the nursing education department or simulation department if you have one. They have nice equipment for this. 
We changed how we are doing competency assessments this year. We were not allowed to have our system wide 
competency fair but still needed direct observations for all the iSTAT users. Normally over the course of the fair that station would be staffed by myself and qualified educators. However, the majority of the educators were pulled back to patient care due to furloughs. We decided to set up a video station for iSTAT users - the steps are exactly what I would require in person.
We check out video equipment from Sim - operators have to report to the lab stations during a 3 month period and make a 
recording. I review the videos, send feedback via email, and then sign off in our elearning software that the demo has been
completed. Once they take the learning and quiz portion of the elearn, the official "PASS" crosses over to Telcor and updates
the user. It's working pretty well so far. 
For other tests with smaller operator pools, we are just doing the observation in the units like always. 

How would you handle the direct observation portion of the competency assessment?  We are going to hold our "superuser" classes next month.  We were able to reserve the simulation lab conference room and can fit 7 people at a time with social distancing.  Luckily, we don't have as many users as you do.

All of my waived tests were moved to auto-recertify for annual competency either by performing a certain amount of QC and Patients (CT Status and Nova SS) or
completing a NetLearning module (All other waived tests).
Moderate tests are done annually by a POC class (except RESP and Perfusion/done in department).  However I am in the being stages of using zoom for direct observation .  If anyone is currently using this please please share.

Training is performed by point of care the same day Orientation is done for new hires and contracts (classes every week).  We do all training. (We tried Train the Trainer but failed JC and CAP surveys). 

New hires are trained by our nurse educator. They watch a training video and perform a hands-on demonstration that they can do it.  We moved our Glucose meter  and Clinitek Status to auto recertification.   For any  other waived tests we require Completion of  on-line modules  and exam . For the i-STAT and non-waived tests, I do them one to one. They have to complete the on-line module and exam.  I looked through my records and  see if they have done QC and Proficiency test.  Those that require hands-on demo of competency has to make an appointment with me.  They perform the test while I watch. We make the encounter as short  as possible. 
We are not  too big that I can still do the testing in a big enough room. 
We just wear our N95 masks. 

I do one on one training with several superusers.  I then had several rooms reserved and trained using webex with camera for other superusers.  I had the ones I did one on one with in the other rooms so they can do the direct observations.  This way I am available for any questions or concerns they have to train the other users.  Much different the past year and started this process again this year.  Best of luck to all.

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