Blue top coag tubes-Solutions??


What are you doing at your facilities to mediate the national shortage of Coagulation tubes? My director has asked me to reach out and also to investigate Point of Care solutions.
I am aware of all the limitations and issues that this presents in a hospital setting so I am seeing what other facilities are doing at this time.
We only have a couple weeks of tubes left in our facility!

3 Replies

Hi Nicolle,

We are basically hoarding our blue tops right now.  We aren't loaning any to other facilities, and we're not drawing extra blue tops (i.e. rainbow).  We have a decent supply right now, but I think the furthest expiration date we have is for the end of September.  I've looked into POC options, but I haven't found a cost effective solution that would work well for our facility.  Right now, we're kind of in a "watch and wait" mode since our supply is decent and we've reduced our usage as much as we can.  I'm still keeping an open mind about POC options, but we don't have any plans to implement them so far.  Hopefully the shortage will get resolved sooner rather than later.

I know someone on another thread had mentioned validating expired tubes and/or making and validating your own sodium citrate tubes.  

If you find some solutions that work well for your facility, please share!



Hi Nicole,
Our chief Medical Officer sent out communications with guidelines for conserving blue tops, including combining multiple coag tests into a single draw, requiring approval before collection certain other tests, monitoring PTINR every other day, no recurring orders. Our Emergency Department sequestered their blue top supply to prevent rainbow collections. POC did some mini validation studies on the Istat and Sig Elite as possible POC solution for ICUs, but we have not had to pursue this option yet. Good luck!

We stopped drawing blue tops ( rainbow tubes)  in ER unless they have specifically ordered Coag workup. We received a case and we have to hide it.  We collected the blue tops in the units because they hardly use them.  They still call for phlebotomists anyway. If they want to draw it, we send them a tube.  They just want them on hand, " just in case".   We have to explain that there is a shortage in the whole country. 

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