POCT techs or bench help


Hi all,
Do any of your sites have POCT as a bench where the core lab rotates through?  We have new management, and she wants to give that a try or something similar.  My question is do you have a list of responsibilities that you have specifically for those staff.  Anything that you would like to share or suggestions will be welcome :)

2 Replies

Hi Adonica,
I might take the approach of making sure this position took care of all of the training and competency assessments since MLS have a better chance of meeting all CLIA, etc, regulatory needs. In that vein of thought, I would isolate QA tasks that require TC qualifications and take advantage of the MLS role being able to cover them all.
I dont have POCC's that fall into this structure, we are very fortunate that all of my direct reports are 100% POCT. We do have 1 or 2 hospitals in our system that have a POCC that covers QA responsibilities for the core lab. They track and manage all of their CAP events and run and reveiw QA reports. 

I hope that your new management helps your program run smoothly and that they support your expertise and knowledge. Good Luck and keep us posted. 

Hi Adonica. This is an intriguing idea. Usually, it's the other way around and the POCC also has bench duties. This could definitely ensure that general lab techs have more respect for the job that POCCs do. I like Jeanne's idea to use them for competency assessment, especially now that we could be losing many or most of our nurse TCs. And remember that 2-year degrees will be able to be technical consultants with 4 years of experience, so even if the lab staff are MLTs, they could still help. At our sites, the lab is usually short-staffed so not sure how that would work. Would the new administration want the POCCs to cover a bench as well? Do keep us posted. 

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