Infrom II users


We are experiencing an increase in the amount of meters returned to Roche due to internal damage (a rattling) on meters issued within the last 6 months.  Also, we are seeing faster deterioration between the communication of the meter and base unit for downloading purposes.  I am hoping to see if any other facility is experiencing the same issues.  Also meters are on back order so I'm just trying to get an understanding of what may be going on. 

9 Replies

I have had some of the same issues with our meters....but upon investigating further, I found the meters had been dropped several times and just not treated very well.  You might want to check what your meters are being cleaned with also.  I discovered one floor using peroxide wipes which will destroy your meter.  I filed the connectors on the back of the meter, then pulled the prongs out some on the base.  The connectors were actually corroding.  The meters connected properly then and have continued to since I took away the peroxide wipes.  I try and stress to our users the proper care for the meters....but you know how that goes.  I've had no trouble getting a replacement when I did have to return a meter to Roche.

Thank you, I will investigate.

I am looking for comments from you who currently have Cerner as your HIS and use AccuChek Inform II meters. 

We went live with Cerner back in June and have had many issues with the armband label that has 3 different barcodes.  The AccuChek meter will read only one of these, the other is for meds and the last one the MRN.  We weren't aware of this until go-live so you can imagine the issues there.  We have educated and educated.  The issue is that the scanner sometimes will pick up the little square code instead of the longer one.  Are any of you experiencing these type issues?

Marcia,  You can exclude bar code types for the AccuChek using Cobas.

We went live with Cerner just two weeks ago. We also have the square 2D barcodes but they are only for pharmacy. We had a long barcode placed vertically near the patients information, that should be scanned for Point of Care. We had a lot of difficulty getting these to scan correctly. Issue we found is the barcodes were either to wide or close together and wouldn't scan....they were able to play with them until we were able to get them just right. I am still getting nurses scanning the wrong one, so it will take time to fix. I email the nurse and their nurse manager every time a test is done on the wrong barcode, sooner or later nurse managers will get annoyed and start yelling to get people to scan the right barcodes. Untl them I will be calling and email requesting them to do it correctly and explaining the reason why they can't scan those barcodes. 

My fix for this issue will be persistence..... keep being annoying until they don't want phone calls from me or get tired of my emails. The problem is now only occurring about 10% a day, which is great compared to when we started this transition.


We had a similar issue when our facility went live with the barcoded armband.  We had Cobas exclude the square as a barcode type, and that corrected the issue.

In Cobas, go to Instrument, Configuration, Device Configuration, Instrument, Barcode.  Uncheck QR Code.

Terry,  how do you like Cobas IT? We are considering it.  I would love to talk to you about it.

Debra,  Please contact me off the ListServe to talk about Cobas.  thawkins@christiana

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