POCC Questions


  Good morning all,

 I am contemplating lobbying for a full time POC position (currently I double as POCC and bench tech) and would be grateful for your answers to the following questions:

Are you solely a POCC?

If not, what are your other duties?

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried?

Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you?

Do you work weekends?

How large is your facility?

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many?

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers.


Thanks for your input!

Kelyn Celeskey

22 Replies

Are you solely a POCC?  Originally I was yes.

If not, what are your other duties?

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried?  FT/Hourly

Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you?  I now have a team, 2 other MT's with me FT.  Also, We now have Quality Manager who doubles as our supervisor and he helps out also.  I was doing a chunk of QA work at one time.

Do you work weekends?  I do not, I work M-F maybe a Sat or Sun if I have too, but the 2 MT's who now work with me still currently work a rotation W/E on the bench. HOwever, this may change because it takes days way for POC when they have to take a day off during the week becasue they worked the W/E. 

How large is your facility? 400+ beds on Main Campus, but POC is on 4 different campuses, plus one contracted Rehab hospital. 

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many?  18

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers. Non-Waived 7 with more possabliy coming on board.  Waived - 12

This is a FT job and I have to keep OT to none.  However, 40+ weeks even with additional people is still possiable for me.  Alot of our processes are still manual and IT a nightmare.  I have done alot of interfacing and anything new must be interfaced. I am now more involved with education, and IT.  POC is exploding here and we are trying to keep reasonalbe control (it can't fix all their problems) Buy in and good relation with nursing is also key.  It is NOT a 1 person job here anymore, we are morphing into our own "Lab within a Lab" department.

Are you solely a POCC?  Yes, the position was created < one year ago.  Prior, it was a volunteer position.

If not, what are your other duties?  I do work bench during schedule crisis (summer vacation), approx 2-3 days / month.

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried?  FT, salaried.

Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you?  No, but I have some staff that volunteered to help with minor issues and phone calls.

Do you work weekends?  No

How large is your facility?  Excela Health has 3 hospitals, WH 284, LH 172 and FH 33

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many?   7

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers. 6 Waived, 3 Non

Our Lab kept a tight leash on what testing we allowed to be POC, the menu is now growing.

Are you solely a POCC? Yes

If not, what are your other duties? N/A

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried? Full time/hourly

Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you? No

Do you work weekends? No

How large is your facility? 408 bed

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many? Directly oversee 2 but advise on additional 9 clinics, Private Physician offices, nursing home

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers. 8 waived, 1 moderate, adding blood gas soon


Are you solely a POCC? No, I also have title of 'Program Manager'

If not, what are your other duties? It has varied depending on what my 'current' boss needs. I report to the Ambulatory Nursing Officer, get paid through Hopsitals & Clinics and not Pathology/Lab Medicine/Clin Lab; I've done alot of work on EPIC POC test builds, alot of environment of care and infectious disease work/processes and handle all the ambulatory and some inpatient-related POC Program Governance/oversight which crosses over to other departments like nursing and environmental health and safety. I am pulled quite alot into EPIC Beaker Collection Workflow these days and 'lab' issues related to ambulatories.

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried? Full time salaried

Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you? Not 'alongside' of me, I'm the only one in Hospitals & Clinics with a laboratory degree; however, I've always been a part of the POC Program since we built the Program. I worked in the POC lab years before I transfered out of Pathology/Clin Lab. There was a lab-paid half time POCC doing nonwaived testing oversight for several years but now a lab paid full time POCC is in place on the original campus. We work well together and keep it 'one' program.

Do you work weekends? Yes. I cover several Pedi & Adult Urgent Care facilities and it's easier for me to go after 5 or on weekends to those areas. I also have to cover POC Operators not trained properly by their test site managers, eg glucose meter operator lock outs, troubleshoot glucose meters not working/trnsmitting.

How large is your facility? 3 campuses inpatient, ED and outpatient plus >100 ambulatory practices

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many? Yes, I'm guessing about 80 POC stations are ambulatory/clinics/outpatient/practices

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers.  Waived 10- 12, nonwaived probably 8  (blood gasses are not POCT in our university system)


Re: POCC Questions

Are you solely a POCC? Yes

If not, what are your other duties?

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried?
Full time/salary

Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you?

Do you work weekends? No

How large is your facility?

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many?
Directly oversee 4 but advise on additional 6 clinics

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers.
9 waived, 7 moderate







Lorraine Noel,BS,MT

Point of Care Specialist-AACC

POCT Coordinator

QA, Dept. of Pathology

Magee-Womens Hospital UPMC

300 Halket Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Phone:412 641 2377

Page: 412 917 9235


Description: Description: http://www.pointofcare.net/3RiversPOC/3Rivers_logo_450x113.jpg

Founder 2012 and Chairman 2012-16



Are you solely a POCC? 95%

If not, what are your other duties? I lead the lab purchasing committee and am a liaison with Materials Management

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried? Full Time/hourly

Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you? No

Do you work weekends? No, unless emergency

How large is your facility? >800 beds

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many? approx. 10 small waived POC OP sites

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers. 8 waived, 3 non-waived

Are you solely a POCC? Yes

If not, what are your other duties? N/A

Are you full time? hourly, or salaried? Full time/salary

 Do you have other POCC's that work alongside you? Not yet. We just had a half time point of care coordinator position approved. It will be 40 hrs/pay; hourly,

 Do you work weekends? Not usually. I do Saturday/Sunday competency classes around 4 a yr. 

How large is your facility? Approx 350 

Do you oversee any clinics? If so, how many? Directly oversee 2 but advise on urgent care clinic.

Number of waived and nonwaived tests your facility offers. 5 waived, 3 non-waived and PPM (Fern)


Lois Snider, BS, MT(ASCP)

Point of Care Coordinator

St. Clair Hospital

1000 Bower Hill Rd.

Pittsburgh, Pa. 15243



412-942-3874 Fax


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