Introduction to POC Powerpoint?
Hi all,
I've been asked to give a very basic monthly presentation on POCT for one of our clinics. Wondering if anyone has anything like this already created so I'm not 'reinventing the wheel'. The clinic manager wants the focus more on why we need to follow CLIA regs...why QC is important...why we need to document lot numbers and expiration dates etc (the things that might not be in the forefront of a nurse's mind). Thanks!
Kelyn Celeskey
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This might help some.
Pet Maniquis, MPA, MT(ASCP) POCS (AACC)
Laboratory Point-of Care Coordinator
Providence Medical Center/ Saint John Hospital
8929 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66112
Ph: 913-596-4727; Fax: 913-596-4728
That is a great idea. Nursing staff seems to be patient focused, not quality focused. I believe any way that we can attempt to change their perception of
how important quality is, the better outcomes our patient’s will have.
I would be very interested in seeing what you or anyone else has on this. We send out reminders/tips in our monthly newsletter but nothing comprehensive like a power point. Great idea!
You mention 'one of the clinics' and the composition of RN/LVN/medical assistants can be very different than what you experience inpatient. My suggestion is to find the clinic nursing manager or supervisor and ask for an example of a training material the staff found 'very easy to 'get'' and follow that as able.
Both our inpatient and our ambulatory Nursing Practice Model shows patient centered care is inside the circle of quality expected in all categories of nursing domains. It's getting the right examples lined up so nurses can related to what we see as 'quality' compared to what providing direct patient care means to them in terms of 'quality'.
For example, what's a 'quality blood pressure reading'? it's a nurse following exact specifications of how to take the reading and a checklist which includes 'patient does not cross their legs, patient does not talk' etc. What's a 'quality patient lab result'? internal and external quality control measures passed expected parameters.
Good Luck getting your 'take home message' to strike it home.