Bulk Storage vs in use ( working Supplies)


Does anyone have a policy or a statement that define Bulk storage vs in use (working Supplies) storage that you can share me with?

8 Replies

I don't have a policy yet, but I consulted CAP regarding this topic in reference to temperature monitoring.  I was told that a working supply would be a 1-2 day supply of unopened reagents when they are stored on a nursing unit and documentation of temperature monitoring would not be required for waived test supplies.  Based on this info, I calculated the working supply of glucose monitor test strips for our nursing units and passed this along to our Supply Chain staff so they could adjust the par number of test strips stored on the nursing units.  I notified the nurse managers of  the reason for the change in storage practice and the par number change was completed 2 days ago.  So we're see how it goes, but we've made a start.  The procedure is next on the agenda. 

Hey Linda.  Thanks for the suggestion I also talked to cap that told me that it's up to the laboratory to define what is working supplies vs bulk supplies.   I just wondering if I should define as 1 month or 3 months.  I'm leaning toward 3 months because of our glucose controls that are stored in the case. I'm just going to add the definition inside of our waived testing policy 

CAP also told me the laboratory should define the definition of working supply, we're using a 4 day supply so it covers the weekend.  Our supply chain monitor the supplies in the unit storerooms on a daily basis so they will just be bringing a few boxes each day instead of once per week.  However, CAP specified to me that the working supply would be unopened reagents so opened controls wouldn't count.  A three month working supply seems a bit excessive to me.

I guess it all depends on the Rep that you talked too.  I was referencing open supplies. I got a deficiency because the units weren't monitoring the reagents in the case when opened. Our site is not supposed to store reagent anyway else to my knowledge (I'm pretty sure they do). However, I see where you are going, and I like it. 

I thought the same thing.  Maybe we should both call again and see what we hear, although they did send me a confirmation email.  Our supply chain started storing the same number of test strips on each unit regardless of the number of test strips they truly used and that was a waste.  

This is great to know.  I have been fighting this battle for 4 years now with my sites with no real sustainable answer as yet.  I understand the standard that says bulk storage needs to be temp monitored, but either the accuchek strips or controls (I forget which ones) say they have to remain between 15-30c once opened......therefore we need to monitor the opened working reagent daily, correct?  I have heard so many conflicting ideas on this.
I have one site with paper temp logs at each accuchek location and another site that is doing nothing but saying "facilities monitors the temp." without sufficient evidence to back this claim up.  

@christina.  I know i think it depend on how everyone interrupts the standard and the word "STORED".   This is what CAP said to me in their additional information request 

Laboratory challenge was noted. Please submit an example of the records of the working supply audits (or policy/SOP/ or guidelines addressing POC working supplies). Please note that the laboratory is required to monitor temperature for the reagents STORED in the units/stations, as well as the bulk supplies. If the unit has a small working supply that the laboratory goes through rapidly, and restocks regularly, then it would NOT be necessary to monitor. In that case the laboratory would need to clearly define the working supply guidelines, otherwise as previously stated all reagents stored in the units must be monitored for temperature.

I monitor the temp where the strips and controls are kept in our material management storeroom, I do not monitor it on the nursing units. 

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