Waived Testing Inventory


How do people control inventory of waived testing kits?  Does POC maintain the stocking to make sure only approved areas are testing?  Or does Materials Management handle it?  

Does anyone have an electronic solution like a pyxis?

7 Replies

Following...... Oh the products that pop up where they were never approved. 

We are a small community hospital 100 beds.
Glucometer (QC & Strips), Urine Pregnancy kits, Urine dipsticks, CoaguChek INR strips, Blood Gas Analyzer - NOVA Prime Plus supplies (POC orders QC as we are in a peer group - Cardiac Cath Lab orders the rest of the consumables)
  • All these supplies come to the main lab.
  • Linearity and QC are performed per our regulatory guidelines & SOPs - labeled "This Lot Ready for Use"
  • Floors requisition items through via email
  • Lab assistants record the items, lot #s and location on a paper log....not ideal but it works for us.
  • End of month I reconcile all the supplies.


I work in a hospital that has 350 beds split between 23 units.

Glucose- Materials Management distributes QC, Strips, Expiration Labels
Pregnancy- Materials Management distributes to the appropriate units
Gastric pH- I hold the supply in my office and distribute as needed

For an off-site satellite ED:
All materials are ordered by POC. For glucose testing, I get all materials from materials management and drive them to the satellite ED myself when I go 1x weekly.

Hi April,
Re: waived testing inventory
I'm not admitting that we have a 'controlled' inventory, given a call I was on yesterday where a director level complained about the number of expired items, including POCT kits, that are 'wasted'.
All testing sites (inpatient, outpatient, ambulatory, OR, ED) order their own POC tests/products. 'The POC Lab' does not handle ordering or inventory. The POC Lab does not 'preQC' kits/strips.
A testing site must find another testing site to borrow from if they fail to keep inventory.
At this point there is no control related to ordering (early days, yes, but our university has no Materials Management as we did in the early days). 
Any control through POCT oversight comes from our vigorous program using trained on-site employees ("POC Leads"), required in order to have testing approved. Environment of Care, Infectious Disease Dept, and Nursing Dept. 'rounding'/surveillence programs helps spot unauthorized POCT. Mostly the POC Program has a 'big presence', established support with nursing and it's pretty rare that unauthorized testing products come in, or they are 'admitted to' and the ship gets righted pretty quickly.
Yes for inpatient testing sites and 'on campus' testing sites - use pyxis.

Hi April, we have a combination of who's responsible for what.
  • Glucose strips:  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by Supply Chain.  We have a par for those.  Supply Chain lets us know                                  when there is a new lot.
  • Glucose QC:  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by POC.  I order 6 months' worth at a time.
  • Strep and Clinitest:  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by POC.  The Strep dipsticks and Clinitest cassettes are kept in a                                           Pyxis that is stocked by Pharmacy (we stock Pharmacy).  We make sure ER has the Strep reagents                                         and tubes.
  • Manual hCG:  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by POC.  We stock Pharmacy and they stock the Pyxis machines.
  • HemoCue Hgb:  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by POC.
  • Occult Blood (HemaPrompt - no developer):  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by Supply Chain.  Those have a par.

Some of the reagents require lot entry into our LIS prior to use.

Hi April, 
Glucose strips:  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by our material service dept.   If a net lot comes in, they will let me know so I can enter it into the system.
Glucose QC:  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by lab
Clintiest, Ua , hcg and our Occult Blood (HemaPrompt - no developer):  Ordered, stored, and dispensed by our material service dept.

Hi April,
POCT orders and dispenses the QC for - glucometer, ketone meter for IP and OP.  
Clinitek and urine preg QC - IP, Hemocue QC and Cuvettes for IP, Rapid Strep kits ED only, Urine Preg kits - IP, DCA cartridges and QC - IP
Materials orders or stocks for IP and OP - glucometer strips, ketone strips, 
OP - Clinitek strips, occult blood cards, Rapid Mono kits, Strep Kits, Urine Preg kits, Hemocue QC and cuvettes, Lead kits, Cholestech cartridges and QC. Xpert Xpress kits and QC, DCA cartridges and QC, HIV kits and QC and Rapid Flu kits.

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April Phelps
12 days ago
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